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Maryon Park Community Garden

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The Old Nursery, Maryon Park, Maryon Road, SE7 8DH , London, SE7 8DH
Pic credit: Friends of Maryon Park and Maryon Wilson Park (https://friendsofmaryonparks.org/)







A. Simple directions

The main entrance for Maryon Park is on Maryon Road (SE7 8DH), 380 bus drops nearby on Woodland Terrace. Once inside follow the left hand side path to the Community Garden. Below are more detailed directions with photos and What3Words locations. The screening venue is not wheelchair accessible.

B. Detailed directions

  1. Directions to Maryon Park
  2. Directions to Maryon Park Community Garden

1. Directions to Maryon Park (SE7 8DH)
The 380 bus can drop you at St Thomas’ Church on Woodland Terrace, Bus Stop J (heading towards Woolwich/Belmarsh) or Bus Stop M (heading towards Lewisham) [Google Map overview]. Continue walking in the direction of travel and turn Left (if arriving at Stop J) or right (if arriving at Stop M) into Maryon Road and continue walking along to the Park Lodge (address: 126 Maryon Road) main entrance (What3Words: safe.bench.brave) for Maryon Park [Google Street View].

Main entrance for Maryon Park – enter, head left and follow the path to the Community Garden. Pic credit: Jo Brodie

Other routes in are possible but note that the Park closes at 7pm in September and we have a key for this gate. This will also be the exit from which everyone will leave at the end.

Main exit from Maryon Park (it’s the same as the entrance but from inside the park!). Pic credit: Jo Brodie

2. Directions to Maryon Park Community Garden
Once in the park follow the path on the left, past the park lodge. Maryon Park Community Garden (What3Words location: trails.finishing.farm) is sign-posted. Note that the path and Forest School area are not suitable for wheelchairs.


Pic credit: Jo Brodie
Pic credit: Friends of Maryon Park and Maryon Wilson Park (https://friendsofmaryonparks.org/)
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